All photography provided by Beverley Wayman

Jesus changes lives. Jesus can change yours.


Our Mission

This web site was created and will be updated to help others find Jesus.

“Most of us see Jesus as a long-haired, soft-spoken, pacifist, speaker of fables, mystic guru who never lost His cool and kept His mouth shut when the soldiers nailed Him to a tree. Nothing could be further from the truth, Jesus was “begotten”. Not created like us. Big difference, Isaiah says, A Child is born... a Son is given. Isaiah 9:6. Meaning He existed before the ages. Before the eons. We tend to focus on the baby in a manger, and I’m with you. But in minimizing Jesus to someone we can touch and something we can wrap our heads around, we’ve reduced Him. Jesus was the only begotten Son in the throne room before He arrived here as a child. Jesus Christ was, is, and forever will be King of all kings.. The One who stretched out the heavens, made the stars, and calls each by name. We forget this.”
— Charles Martin from his book, What If It's True?

What JESUS Achieved

  • He came to earth to die for our sins so that we might have eternal life in Him.

  • He is the Way, the Truth and the Life.

  • It is through Him we become children of God. Brothers and Sisters in Christ.

  • He took on our sins because we could never be holy enough, never be good enough.

  • Only Jesus, the Lamb of God who came was the only way for man to find his way back to a holy Father God.